One-Sided Friendship: Signs, Effects, and Tips for Ending It

Friendships are an important part of life and can provide us with companionship, support, and advice. Unfortunately, friendships can become one-sided, leaving one person feeling neglected, taken advantage of, or even used. In this article, we’ll discuss the signs of a one-sided friendship, the effects it can have, and tips on ending it. By recognizing the signs of an unbalanced friendship, we can better manage our relationships and maintain healthy connections with those we care about. 

Signs of a One-Sided Friendship

A. Lack of Balance in Communication

One of the most common signs of a one-sided friendship is a lack of balance in communication. In a healthy relationship, both parties should be comfortable communicating with each other and feel like they can share their thoughts and feelings without judgement. When one person is always the one initiating communication or is the one who does most of the talking, it could be a sign of a one-sided friendship.

B. Taking Advantage of Goodwill

Another sign of a one-sided friendship is when one person is constantly taking advantage of the other person’s goodwill. This could be in the form of asking for favors or favours without reciprocating, or expecting the other person to drop what they’re doing whenever they call.

C. Lack of Support

In a one-sided friendship, one person will often lack the unconditional support and understanding that a healthy friendship should provide. This could be in the form of a lack of empathy, not listening to the other person, or not being there for them when they need it.

Effects of a One-Sided Friendship

A. Sense of Isolation

One of the main effects of a one-sided 

friendship is a sense of isolation. When one person is always the one giving, they can start to feel like they’re not getting anything in return and may start to feel like they don’t have anyone to turn to.

B. Resentment

Another effect of a one-sided friendship is resentment. When one person is constantly giving and not getting anything in return, they can start to feel unappreciated and resentful of the other person’s lack of consideration or effort.

C. Anxiety and Depression

The effects of a one-sided friendship can also include anxiety and depression. When one person is always giving and not getting anything in return, they can start to doubt their own self-worth which can lead to feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem, and depression.

Tips for Ending a One-Sided Friendship

A. Setting Boundaries

One of the best tips for ending a one-sided friendship is to set boundaries. It’s important to communicate your needs and expectations to the other person and make sure they’re aware of what you’re comfortable with. Setting boundaries can help to ensure that the other person understands your limits and respects them.

B. Exploring Other Relationships

Exploring other relationships can be a great way to help end a one-sided friendship. By creating new connections with people who value and respect you, you can gain the support and understanding that you need. This can help to replace the one-sided friendship and bring balance back into your life.

C. Making the Decision

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether to end a one-sided friendship or not. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and make sure you’re making the decision for the right reasons. Ending a one-sided friendship can be difficult but it can also be liberating and help to create a healthier and happier life.


One-sided friendships can be difficult to navigate, but it’s important to recognize the signs and take steps to end them if necessary. Being aware of the effects that one-sided friendships may have on your mental health is key in making sure you don’t stay in a toxic situation for too long. If you think you’re stuck in an unhealthy friendship, remember that there are plenty of resources available to help you out. Just remember – it’s okay to put yourself first and create boundaries where they are needed most.

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